LS Health International OÜ

  1. Our contact details and contact of the data controller

LS Health International OÜ, reg. no.: 16658173;; you can contact our Data Protection Specialist via our official contact details.

  1. What is our privacy policy?

Our privacy policy is explained below:

  • What we collect,
  • What purpose we collect it for,
  • In which cases and to whom we disclose it,
  • How and for how long we keep the data,
  • What are your rights in matters concerning you,
  • How you can obtain information about the processing of your data,
  • How we use online technologies.

    3. Whose personal data do we process and why?

    We process the personal data of people who are interested in the events we organise and the services we provide, and who have consented to be contacted in this context.

    1. What is personal data and what personal data do we process?

    Personal data (hereinafter also referred to as “data”) is data that can be associated with you as an individual, either specifically or indirectly.

    4.1. Basic Data includes your email address, your name, telephone number and age.

    Sources of data collection:
    We obtain data from you and through your consent.

    4.2. The content of a message is any communication between two persons using an electronic communication service, such as the content of telephone calls and emails. It is important to know that we will keep this confidential from third parties not involved.

    Sources of data collection:

    We will obtain the data if you provide it to us with your request.

    1. How do we collect your personal data?

    5.1 We collect data in the form of a questionnaire, which is completed either on paper or electronically prior to the use of the service.

    5.2 By writing to LS Health International OÜ email accounts.

    1. How long do we keep your personal data?

    We will keep your personal data for the period required by law.

    1. To whom we transfer your personal data

    Your personal data will remain within the scope of the people and online services associated with LS Health International OÜ.

    1. What are your rights in relation to your personal data?

    8.1 Right of access to your data:

    You have the right to access your personal data held by us at any time. You also have the right to be informed of the purposes for which we process your personal data and of the retention periods. We may respond to such requests within 30 days.

    8.2 Right to rectify personal data:

    If you have accessed your personal data and have discovered incorrect data or if your personal data has changed, you can always change it by contacting us.

    8.3 Right to be forgotten:

    In certain cases, you have the right to have your personal data erased. In certain cases, you may have the right to have your personal data deleted. This applies in particular to data processing based on consent and legitimate interest.

    8.4 Right to object:

    You have the right to object, at any time, to the processing of personal data relating to you by us on the basis of legitimate interest. You are entitled to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for legitimate reasons.

    8.5 Right to request the restriction of the processing of personal data for the period during which we are processing your request.

    8.6. The right to withdraw your consent in whole or in part.

    8.7 Right to receive your data in machine-readable form.

    8.8 The right to apply to the Data Protection Inspectorate or a court.

    1. How we ensure data security

    Your personal data is stored in files which are located in the cloud and on the LS Health International OÜ computer and which are encrypted with a separate password known to the LS Health International OÜ data protection specialist. The data is also stored in online services where it is not transferred to third parties. In addition, the data from the questionnaire completed via the web or sent by e-mail to LS Health International OÜ’s accounts will be stored in the e-mail account. Questionnaires filled in on paper are stored in the appropriate folder in the office.

        10. Changes to the Privacy Policy

    From time to time, we will review our Privacy Policy and make any necessary changes. We will notify you of any changes by email before the changes take effect.